Newbie: Just been diagnosed
(too old to reply)
Aussie Girl
2006-06-03 00:01:46 UTC
I've been lurking for a while but haven't yet summed up the courage to post.

I'm an almost 30 (cough) 9 year old woman living in Tasmania, Australia.

I've "suspected" issues for a long time, but accessing mental health
assistance here is slow (to say the least) and I guess if I'm brutally
honest, admitting things fully to yourself helps as well.

I have no idea what type of bipolar I have but I know that it has been
ruling my life for a long time.

I just want to be well.

2006-06-03 15:10:52 UTC
Welcome! It's nice here. People are intelligent and supportive. I'm
the class clown (clownette?).

Manic-depression totally sucks but, then again, so do toilet trouble,
poverty, cholera, writer's block, not having enough marijuana, and, the
Buddhist doctrine tells us, life--all of it.

I am very new to this group, but it's clear that a lot of long-lasting
and solid relationships have formed. I'm more interested in the
"group" rather than the "pair" aspect, but I'm always available if you
need me.

As for factual information, aside from crazymeds.org, I have not yet
come across a better-educated (myself ahem! included) group of people
about psychopharmacology, pharmacology, psychotherapy, and insight.

Don't forget to subscribe to alt.support.depression.manic, too.

2006-06-03 15:55:19 UTC
Welcome! I really like how you into'd your first line!!! Things look
quiet on the board the past day or so, so don't be offended that nobody
has said hi to you before I came along!!! It looks like everyone is
out doing real-life right now, they'll all be along shortly! Looking
forward to getting to know you!

Post by Aussie Girl
I've been lurking for a while but haven't yet summed up the courage to post.
I'm an almost 30 (cough) 9 year old woman living in Tasmania, Australia.
I've "suspected" issues for a long time, but accessing mental health
assistance here is slow (to say the least) and I guess if I'm brutally
honest, admitting things fully to yourself helps as well.
I have no idea what type of bipolar I have but I know that it has been
ruling my life for a long time.
I just want to be well.
Celtic ferret
2006-06-04 17:04:48 UTC
I was diagnosed at 47 after going manic for no obvious reason, perhaps
due to a prescription drug interaction. It's 4 yrs later and I'm still
manic, with drugs, I only go hypomanic and I have a great deal of
trouble going to sleep at night and need the help of sleeping drugs.

Post by Aussie Girl
I've been lurking for a while but haven't yet summed up the courage to post.
I'm an almost 30 (cough) 9 year old woman living in Tasmania, Australia.
I've "suspected" issues for a long time, but accessing mental health
assistance here is slow (to say the least) and I guess if I'm brutally
honest, admitting things fully to yourself helps as well.
I have no idea what type of bipolar I have but I know that it has been
ruling my life for a long time.
I just want to be well.