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Celtic ferret
2006-05-14 21:59:28 UTC
I took a hiatus from all newsgroups after a flame war in one of them.

Thought I'd re-introduce myself.

I'm Kathy an animal lover with a house full of animals. I have
ferrets, mink, a dog and some sugar gliders. The ferrets and my mink
are my sanity anchors. My dog is a rambunctious boy who needs better
training. We've done training, but I don't think I did a good enough
job. I volunteer one day aweek at a local wildlife center. They may
be putting a mink on display and I'd like to work with him and see if I
can make him more handable than he currently is.

4 years ago I had a precription drug interaction and went manic. My
mania in addition to racing thoughts was hyperactivity. I've never
found a reference about hyperactivity in adults, just children. I was
forced out of my job and spent three years waiting to get approved for

In the last 4 yrs they've got me medically stable enough I can function
fairly normally. They hyperactivity creeps back at the end of the day.
I'm still rapid cycling bibolar with the crying jag every afternoon
and the hyperactivity later in the day. I get situational panic attacks
on occassion, but it's not worth medicating and it doesn't help anyway.
I'm told they think they've done the best they can for me medically
and don't want to experiment with more meds.

I decided some years back I don't want to discuess being bipolar and
don't want to do education. I tell people I have medical problems of
chronic, but nondegenerative nature. It tells them nothing. No one
comments on the toe tapping, but I do get asked about the handshaking.

Being bipolar carries any number of negative connotations. TV never
presents anyone with a mental illness in apositive light.

2006-05-16 09:57:20 UTC
Post by Celtic ferret
Thought I'd re-introduce myself.
Hi, Kath.....so good to see you again.

I'm so glad you got rid of that bimbo roommate you and your hubby took
in. She sounded like a real bimbo and I wasn't happy to here about how
she took so much of your ferret stuff when she left.

Please stick around for a while. you've been missed.

Celtic ferret
2006-05-20 03:43:56 UTC
She's gone. If I may whine she caused damages, stole and I had to
spend money on repairs for a total near $2K.

She did steal ferret stuff and house hold stuff.

Recently she tried to have some mail sent to my house and after Dan
returned it, she accused us of interfering with the receipt of her
mail. Ballsey bitch. That really just brought everything whizzing
back. I'm not really over it, I've just pushed it to the background.

I got myself a new baby mink yesterday. I'm so thrilled. He'll be a
major time sink for weeks on end. I can really use the timesink. I
spend way too much time watching tv anyway. My ability to read and
reatin it is pretty much shot. I think it's the drugs.

2006-05-21 01:35:10 UTC
Post by Celtic ferret
She's gone. If I may whine she caused damages, stole and I had to
spend money on repairs for a total near $2K.
She did steal ferret stuff and house hold stuff.
Recently she tried to have some mail sent to my house and after Dan
returned it, she accused us of interfering with the receipt of her
mail. Ballsey bitch. That really just brought everything whizzing
back. I'm not really over it, I've just pushed it to the background.
Truly amazing, isn't it. Hard won lesson here. any help i render
anyone, no marter how deserving, or how worthy the cause, it CAN'T be
done at the expense of y primary respoonsibility to take care of
myself. Important for everyone, but IME. essential for BPs/
Post by Celtic ferret
I got myself a new baby mink yesterday. I'm so thrilled. He'll be a
major time sink for weeks on end. I can really use the timesink.
Ah, but that's a very rewarding mission of love for you! You reap the
rewards. both of my little Scottish Terrorist dogs kicked of last year
at almost age 14. A very difficulat transition for me....not to
mention them, but we were great together and had very happy lives
together. I'm definately in the market for some new pups. Nobody,
including myself can even begin to picture me with my doggie friends.

Post by Celtic ferret
spend way too much time watching tv anyway. My ability to read and
reatin it is pretty much shot. I think it's the drugs.
i recenlty pickedu up the new reading glasses I'd ordered and paid for
last winter. enjoying losing myself in a book again. Just an other
life long pleasure neglected of late.

Hang in there Kath and please, stick around.

Post by Celtic ferret