Could my depression be bi-polar and just not caught?
(too old to reply)
2007-06-06 23:07:57 UTC
Hi, I am writing here for the first time, and am going crazy trying to
find the right meds!!! I have had been on quite a few different meds
that always were taken to the highest dosage over time and haven't yet
found one that works. I am getting very frustrated that I am trying so
hard and getting nowhere. I was FINALLY diagnosed 7 years ago, after
having depression and panic and anxiety attacks from as early as 4
that I can remember. I was told I was NOT Bi-polar, but my Dad is, and
I am noticing very many similarities in how much alike we are when it
comes to this. I am wondering if maybe I was misdiagnosed. My drs are
about to talk about yet another drug at my next appt, and I am tired
of getting nowhere!!! I have tried thereapy as well, but I also have
agoraphobia so that is hard to do. Has anyone any suggestions for me,
like questions or suggestions to my dr? I can't stand existing
anymore!!! Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thanks for
listening, InvisibleNobody
2007-06-12 02:37:41 UTC
Post by m***@msn.com
Hi, I am writing here for the first time, and am going crazy trying to
find the right meds!!! I have had been on quite a few different meds
that always were taken to the highest dosage over time and haven't yet
found one that works. I am getting very frustrated that I am trying so
hard and getting nowhere. I was FINALLY diagnosed 7 years ago, after
having depression and panic and anxiety attacks from as early as 4
that I can remember. I was told I was NOT Bi-polar, but my Dad is, and
I am noticing very many similarities in how much alike we are when it
comes to this. I am wondering if maybe I was misdiagnosed. My drs are
about to talk about yet another drug at my next appt, and I am tired
of getting nowhere!!! I have tried thereapy as well, but I also have
agoraphobia so that is hard to do. Has anyone any suggestions for me,
like questions or suggestions to my dr? I can't stand existing
anymore!!! Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thanks for
listening, InvisibleNobody
I was lucky enough to be diagnosed correctly, but have read many
horror stories of misdiagnoses. The similarities you see between you
and your dad could just be behaviors you "learned" from him or they
could be BP hiding under the covers. It's totally understandable to be
nervous about the genetic connection. The best advice I have is to get
online and do some research. Agoraphobia should be less of an issue
for you now what with the Internet and all than it would have been
fifty years ago (I can sit in my basement for days and still feel
totally productive).

There are all sorts of new mood stabilizers out there that are worth a
shot. As hard as it is, you have to be your strongest advocate. Gather
as much information as you can and then tell the doctors why you
disagree with them. If they don't listen, time for new docs.
2007-06-28 14:53:44 UTC
Post by TS
Post by m***@msn.com
Hi, I am writing here for the first time, and am going crazy trying to
find the right meds!!! I have had been on quite a few different meds
that always were taken to the highest dosage over time and haven't yet
found one that works. I am getting very frustrated that I am trying so
hard and getting nowhere. I was FINALLY diagnosed 7 years ago, after
having depression and panic and anxiety attacks from as early as 4
that I can remember. I was told I was NOT Bi-polar, but my Dad is, and
I am noticing very many similarities in how much alike we are when it
comes to this. I am wondering if maybe I was misdiagnosed. My drs are
about to talk about yet another drug at my next appt, and I am tired
of getting nowhere!!! I have tried thereapy as well, but I also have
agoraphobia so that is hard to do. Has anyone any suggestions for me,
like questions or suggestions to my dr? I can't stand existing
anymore!!! Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thanks for
listening, InvisibleNobody
I was lucky enough to be diagnosed correctly, but have read many
horror stories of misdiagnoses. The similarities you see between you
and your dad could just be behaviors you "learned" from him or they
could be BP hiding under the covers. It's totally understandable to be
nervous about the genetic connection. The best advice I have is to get
online and do some research. Agoraphobia should be less of an issue
for you now what with the Internet and all than it would have been
fifty years ago (I can sit in my basement for days and still feel
totally productive).
There are all sorts of new mood stabilizers out there that are worth a
shot. As hard as it is, you have to be your strongest advocate. Gather
as much information as you can and then tell the doctors why you
disagree with them. If they don't listen, time for new docs.
read all you can find on medications-find a doctor you think will
listen.you have to save your own life it seems sometimes-good luck-
