Ping moderators.
(too old to reply)
2006-05-14 23:44:02 UTC
ASDM has been hit big time by a troll ring.

I've taken the liberty of launching/adapting harry's thread Bipolars in
love/Best suportive spouses for BPs in an attempt to have an OT
discussion on an intersting and valuable topic for those of us who are
not trolls.

I think you kow who most of the regualrs over there are and hope you'll
let the legitamates borrow the room and engage you/us al in what could
be a great topic.

thanks and regards,
2006-05-22 17:24:00 UTC
Hi Maggie-
Post by Maggie
ASDM has been hit big time by a troll ring.
More business for us! <g> But, not the trolls. =)
Post by Maggie
I've taken the liberty of launching/adapting harry's thread Bipolars in
love/Best suportive spouses for BPs in an attempt to have an OT
discussion on an intersting and valuable topic for those of us who are
not trolls.
I hope you feel free to have such threads regardless of other issues. We may
have to temporarily not allow any cross posts. So far it hasn't been a problem.

You will email me or Heather is you see something slip? We are not perfect.
Post by Maggie
I think you kow who most of the regualrs over there are and hope you'll
let the legitamates borrow the room and engage you/us al in what could
be a great topic.
Yes we do. Thanks to a good team of people moderating. I rely on them.

There is one weird one that slipped through, but I saw it more as spam than
trouble. The "snoring cure".

Just knockin' around the zoo. (James Taylor)

to email me, remove the Z
