Since you do not live in the USA,, it is most difficult to answer your
questions. You need to look up the laws for your province and/or country.
I'll respond, as if you lived in the USA.
Post by b***@yahoo.comThey diagnosed me 4 yrs ago with temporal lobe epilepsy and Bipolar. I
was under treatment for major depression when I applied for my current
job and they employed me. I got so unstable during the time they tried
to stabilized me, that I nearly lost my job. My work then helped me by
agreeing that I can go once a week to my psycologist for theraphy and
they want reports 6monthly on my condition. I then asked my psyciatrist
what will happen if it gets worse again. Can they fire me? He said what
they can retrence me on the basis that they tried to accomodate me and
help me, but I became unproductive, so they have to let me go, they
can't afford unproductive services.
No, they can't fire you for something that isn't directly related to your
performance. "Fire" means with cause. You would be "let go" which means
loosing your job for any reason, other than for cause.
The rest is true. The needs of the corporation outweigh the needs of an
individual worker. They have already provided a significant reasonable
accommodation, so, additional medical conditions, requiring more reasonable
accommodations may tax the workload and they may offer you a disability
retirement (if you have a retirement system).
I doubt you can be retrained to do something well, given that you have bipolar
disorder. The evaluator in my SSDI case even wrote down that I could do any
job, if it had no stress. No such position exists, so I was done working.
Post by b***@yahoo.comNow I want to know if it's true or where can I get legal advice on
this? They employed me with a mental disorder, so they knew the
risks.They can at least put me on pension for medical reasons or
disability pension or something.I also was diagnosed with regular
attackts of Coxaci virus as well as fibromialgia! I have hell to cope
and I'm a manager of a laboratory.
I'm so sorry for your pain. I also have fibromyalgia and so do a few others
Just because they knew you had a bona fide mental disorder, doesn't mean they
have to keep an employee who can't not perform the critical functions of the
If you have a union, you should contact the union. I doubt it's worth hiring a
labor attorney for this case--it won't go very far and they are very expensive.
If you have a retirement/pension system, you should be allowed to retire or take
a disability retirement--make sure you bring this up long before you think they
might let you go.
From an employers perspective, your health problems continue to escalate and
thus you get closer and closer to not being able to work at all.
In the USA, you probably qualify for SSDI, because you worked.
Just knockin' around the zoo. (James Taylor)
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