Recovering Meth Addict Diagonosed With Bipolar and ADHD asks re: new-ish meds:
(too old to reply)
2007-01-20 14:30:28 UTC
Greetings group:
I hope I can get some answers here as I would like to combine meds I am
currently being prescribed by my psychiatrist with amino acids as well
as any other non-narcotic "nootropics" you good people might recommend.
I am one messed up dude, 30 days off speed and eager to get back to
living. Currently I have am taking the following:

As Prescribed by Doctor, daily:
For Bipolar:
a. Lamictal:
25mg (goal 100mg in 3 wks time)
b, Topamax (as well as to stave food cravings resulting from meth


For Meth Withdrawal (Sleeplessness/Resulting Depression):
100 mg

For Meth Withdrawal (Cravings):
100 mg

Self-Prescribed, daily:
1. "Solgar" brand Omega-3 "700" CO Q-10 ( each capsule contains 400 mg,
EPA, 300 mg. DHA.)
2 capsules, 2x daily

2. "Solgar" brand L-Tyrosine (500 mg capsule)
2 capsules, 2x daily taken with vitamin C and...

3. "Solgar" brand B- Complex "100" (incl 100 mg B6)
1 capsule, 2x daily same time as tyrosine and C

4. Vitamin C with ROse Hips (1000 mg)
4x daily

5. Iron-Free Muti-Vitamin with Chelated Minerals
1x daily

Wondering if the whole thing seems any good, safe, effective etc? Does
it counter the effects of the doctor's regimen? Could it
be..erm..tweaked a little or a lot? I would welcome any feedback. Like
all of us I'm just so tired of feeling bad. Thanks in advance.
2007-01-22 16:02:50 UTC
The only thing I would be careful with is the Tyrosine. It is known to
be activating and have an energizing effect. This can be bad for the
bipolar like other antidepressants and cause mania or switching. I
would at least start out at just one 500mg a day. But personally, I
couldn't handle any dose without it messing up my bipolar. It can also
increase your blood pressure, so be careful with it. Taurine is
supposed to be good for bipolar and have a more calming effect, but I
never got any results from it. Gaba is also supposed to make you
relaxed...but once again, no effect for me. I've read that Gaba
doesn't pass the blood-brain barrier easy, so taking gaba pills is
almost useless.

DL-Phenylalanine is almost just like Tyrosine, so I would be careful
with that one too. Amino acids can be quite potent. I went through a
time when I tried every natural thing I could find on the internet.
But ultimately nothing worked. Though not meant to discourage you. I
currently am on Lamictal, Depakote and Prozac but it's not going well
and will switch something next time at doc. Good luck.
On the Road to Damascus
2007-01-24 05:55:24 UTC
Post by beastbot
I hope I can get some answers here as I would like to combine meds I am
currently being prescribed by my psychiatrist with amino acids as well
as any other non-narcotic "nootropics" you good people might recommend.
I am one messed up dude, 30 days off speed and eager to get back to
25mg (goal 100mg in 3 wks time)
b, Topamax (as well as to stave food cravings resulting from meth
Christ, when you quit taking meth you NEED the food you are craving!
Post by beastbot
100 mg
100 mg
Don't put any faith in that. Studies show that taking Naltrexone
results in a significantly longer time to relapse as well as a
significantly greater likelihood of staying abstinent...which in real
world terms means you are still almost 100% certain to relapse and
take up where you left off.

Find an NA meeting. That's where your only hope lies. The drugs are
only a symptom of a deep seated problem with living, and until you
start working on that you are pretty much doomed. Look in your phone
Post by beastbot
1. "Solgar" brand Omega-3 "700" CO Q-10 ( each capsule contains 400 mg,
EPA, 300 mg. DHA.)
2 capsules, 2x daily
2. "Solgar" brand L-Tyrosine (500 mg capsule)
2 capsules, 2x daily taken with vitamin C and...
3. "Solgar" brand B- Complex "100" (incl 100 mg B6)
1 capsule, 2x daily same time as tyrosine and C
4. Vitamin C with ROse Hips (1000 mg)
4x daily
5. Iron-Free Muti-Vitamin with Chelated Minerals
1x daily
Wondering if the whole thing seems any good, safe, effective etc? Does
it counter the effects of the doctor's regimen? Could it
be..erm..tweaked a little or a lot? I would welcome any feedback. Like
all of us I'm just so tired of feeling bad. Thanks in advance.
Self prescribed??? That's addict thinking and behavior! Seriously,
find a meeting, and quick, because in all likelihood you are only days
or weeks from relapse.